The Chat Volume 46 Number 2 (Spring 1982)
Front Matter
A Brown Pelican was photographed by David S. Lee as it was about to land on a piling. John Henry Dick drew a pelican (page 47) in almost the same position, particularly in regard to the feet and tail. Once more a photo documents the keen eye of the artist.
Third Annual Breeding Bird Foray: Hoke County, N.C. Mary Kay Clark and Eloise F. Potter pp 29–37
Backyard Birding
...with Gail T. Whitehurst pp 38–40, 56
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 41–42
General Field Notes
Brown Pelican on Inland Freshwater Impoundment Philip J. Crutchfield p 43
A Nanday Conure in Coastal North Carolina E. Wayne Irvin pp 43–44
Flying Squirrel Found Dead at Red-cockaded Woodpecker Cavity J.H. Carter III pp 44–45
Mortality Rates in Nestling Purple Martins Joshua A. Lee pp 45–46
Briefs for the Files
Summer–Fall 1981 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 47–55
Book Reviews
Book Review p 56
Back Matter