The Chat Volume 46 Number 3 (Summer 1982)
Front Matter
A Laughing Gull in breeding plumage was captured in flight by the lens of John Trott. Pfeiffer College at Misenheimer, N.C., is honoring this distinguished alumnus with a showing of his nature photography that will last through 15 October. John is Resident Naturalist at the Madeira School in McLean, Virginia.
Report on Six Recent Sightings of the Iceland Gull in North Carolina with Comments on Problems of Field Identification John O. Fussell III, Michael J. Tove, and Harry E. LeGrand Jr. pp 57–71
New A.O.U. Check-list in Press Eloise F. Potter pp 72–73
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 74–75, 86
Backyard Birding
...with Gail T. Whitehurst pp 76–77, 86
General Field Notes
Recent Evidence of Sharp-shinned Hawks Breeding in North Carolina Kenneth D. Meyer and Helmut C. Mueller pp 78–80
Sighting of a Swainson's Hawk in North Carolina Don D. Tarbet and Kay Coburn pp 80–81
Screech Owl Nest in a Box on the Ground Sherrill M. Clemmer and Jerome A. Jackson pp 81–82
First North Carolina Record of a Wheatear Stephen Murphy pp 82–83
Confirmation of Breeding Red Crossbills in the Mountains of North Carolina with Notes on Nesting Behavior Tom Haggerty pp 83–86
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1981–1982 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 87–92
Back Matter
Corrections p 71