The Chat Volume 46 Number 1 (Winter 1982)
Front Matter
David Lee photographed a familiar winter scene in coastal Carolina—Double-crested Cormorants silhouetted against shimmering water.
Lark Sparrows Breed in Richmond County, N.C. Douglas Branch McNair pp 1–8
Probable Brewster's Warbler X Golden-winged Warbler Mating in North Carolina Michael Tove pp 9–12
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 13–14
Backyard Birding
...with Gail T. Whitehurst pp 15–17
General Field Notes
Bill-vibrating Feeding Behavior in the Snowy Egret Eloise F. Potter p 18
A Bird List for Caldwell County, N.C., in Late May John Sneeden pp 18–19
A Winter Bird Survey of Graham County, N.C. Jim McConnell pp 19–20
Briefs for the Files
Spring–Fall 1981 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 21–25
Photo Quiz
Photo Quiz pp 26, 28
Book Reviews
Book Reviews pp 27–28
Back Matter