The Chat Volume 42 Number 1 (Winter 1978)
Front Matter
CBC members who attended the fall meeting at Black Mountain will recognize the Barn Owls from the color photograph displayed there by Bill Duyck. Bill also showed his own color motion pictures of birds. When not taking bird pictures, Bill works as a fireman.
Breeding Season Distribution and Ecology of the Vesper Sparrow in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountain Province Marcus B. Simpson, Jr pp 1–2
The Birds of Turtle Island, S.C. W. David Chamberlain pp 3–7
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 8–9
General Field Notes
Committee Report p 10
Iceland Gull at Clemson, S.C. Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 10–11
A Sight Record of the Iceland Gull from Charleston, S.C. Dennis M. Forsythe p 11
Iceland Gull at Mt. Pleasant, S.C. Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. and Sidney A. Gauthreaux Jr p 12
Glaucous Gull on Pawleys Island, S.C. Bob Lewis and Lisa Lewis pp 12–13
Willow Flycatcher in Spring on South Carolina Coast Jay Shuler and John Trochet p 13
Red Crossbill in June near Charleston, S.C. Jay Shuler p 14
Black-headed Grosbeak in South Carolina Pete Laurie p 14
Briefs for the Files
Summer 1977 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 15–19
Book Review p 20
A Word of Thanks p 21
Back Matter