The Chat Volume 41 Number 4 (Fall 1977)
Front Matter
E. Wayne Irvin photographed the adult Sabine's Gull at Winston-Salem, N.C., in October of 1976. For full details, see General Field Notes in this issue, page 97.
The Black-capped Chickadee in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountain Province: A Review of its Ecology and Distribution Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 79–86
Spring Bird Count—1977 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 87–92
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 93–94
General Field Notes
White Pelican at Carolina Beach, N.C. Katharine A. Alexander, Ann T. Nicholson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Grant p 95
The Mute Swan in North Carolina Eloise F. Potter pp 95–96
Goshawk at Shining Rock Wilderness Area, N.C. Michael Tove p 96
Franklin's Gull at Huntington Beach State Park, S.C. Bob and Lisa Lewis pp 96–97
Sabine's Gull in Forsyth County, N.C. Patricia M. Culbertson p 97
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1977 Robert P. Teulings pp 98–101
Book Reviews p 101
Index to Volume 41 (1977) pp 102–106
Back Matter