The Chat Volume 42 Number 2 (Spring 1978)
Front Matter
The Black-necked Stilt was photographed at a nest found by Gilbert S. Grant during his studies of the birds breeding in the Salton Sea region of California. The species also nests along the Carolina coast. Drawings by John Henry Dick appear on pages 36 and 39.
Bachman's Warbler Observations Continue in I'On Swamp Jay Shuler, Perry Nugent, John Trochet, and Joe Van Os pp 23–24
Ecological Factors Contributing to the Decline of Bewick's Wren as a Breeding Species in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountain Province Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 25–28
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 29,42
General Field Notes
An Observation of a Yellow-billed Common Crow Ren Lohoefener, Jerome A. Jackson, and Patricia Barney p 30
Canada Geese Wintering in Western North Carolina Lin Hendren pp 30–31
American Avocet Breeding at Pea Island, N.C. William McVaugh, Jr. pp 31–32
Black-headed Gull in Eastern North Carolina Anne Reynolds and Bruce Reynolds pp 32–33
Burrowing Owl Photographed at Huntington Beach State Park, S.C. Frederick M. Probst p 33
Cliff and Bank Swallows at a Barn Swallow Colony near Charleston, S.C. Jay Shuler pp 34–35
On a House Sparrow Mutant from Fayetteville, N.C. Philip J. Crutchfield p 35
Briefs for the Files
Fall 1977 Robert P. Teulings pp 36–38
Book Reviews pp 39–43
Back Matter