The Chat Volume 40 Number 4 (Fall 1976)
Front Matter
An adult Bald Eagle was photographed in Forsyth County, N.C., by Allie Brown, staff photographer for the Winston-Salem Sentinel. John Henry Dick contributed the drawing of a Least Sandpiper on page 93.
Breeding Season Habitats of the Golden-crowned Kinglet in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 75–76
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 77,92
Spring Bird Count-1976 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 78–92
General Field Notes
Aerial Diving by Great Egrets Kitty Kosh pp 93–94
Bald Eagle Seen in Forsyth County, N.C. Ramona R. Snavely p 94
Limpkin Observed at Lake Waccamaw, N.C. R. Haven Wiley and Minna S. Wiley pp 94–95
A Bridled Tern From North Carolina Micou M. Browne, David L. Hughes, and Gary M. Williamson pp 95
Spring Shorebirds at a Partially Drained Lake Near Fayetteville, N.C. P.J. Crutchfield p 96
Some Observations of the Common Raven as a Predator Ben A. Sanders pp 96–97
A Case of Suspected Double-broodedness in the Carolina Chickadee Eloise F. Potter pp 97–98
Worm-eating Warblers in the South Carolina Coastal Plain in June Paul B. Hamel and Michael R. Lennartz pp 98–100
Probable Breeding of the Red Crossbill in the North Carolina Sandhills J.H. Carter III p 100
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1976 Robert P. Teulings pp 101–105,110
Book Review p 105
Index to Volume 40 (1976) pp 106–110
Back Matter