The Chat Volume 40 Number 3 (Summer 1976)
Front Matter
Fred L. Johns photographed the downy Least Tern chick in the “freezing” position at a colony near Salter Path, N.C.
Birds of the Plott Balsam Mountains of North Carolina Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 53–62
General Field Notes
Goshawk in Chesterfield County, S.C. George H. Haas p 63
Black Rail and Virginia Rail in Summer in Northwestern South Carolina Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 63–65
Some Noteworthy Fall Migration Records from Franklin County, N.C., Including an Inland Sighting of a Wilson's Plover Eloise F. Potter pp 65–66
Razorbill at Huntington Beach State Park and Pawleys Island, S.C. Frederick M. Probst pp 66–67
Black Guillemot on South Carolina Coast in Spring: A Second Sight Record for the State Frederick M. Probst pp 67–68
Monk Parakeets in South Carolina, Frederick M. Probst Frederick M. Probst pp 68–69
Two Records of the Clay-colored Sparrow from the Eastern Piedmont of North Carolina in Fall Robert P. Teulings, Elizabeth P. Teulings, and Eloise F. Potter pp 69–71
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1975–1976 Robert P. Teulings pp 71–73
Back Matter