The Chat Volume 40 Number 2 (Spring 1976)
Front Matter
Jack Dermid photographed a female Prothonotary Warbler tending her nest in an old pump at Camp Bryan, Lake Ellis, N.C. (photo courtesy N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission). Three drawings by John Henry Dick appear in the Spring Chat: Hooded Warbler, page 27; Osprey, page 44; and Bald Eagle, page 46.
Breeding Season Habitat and Distribution of the Red-breasted Nuthatch in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountain Province Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 23–25
Book Review p 25
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 26–27
Christmas Bird Count—1975 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 28–43
General Field Notes
An Eared Grebe Collected in North Carolina Micou M. Browne p 44
Broad-winged Hawks at Pea Island N.W.R. Ricky Davis pp 44–45
Apparent Nesting of Red-breasted Nuthatches in Rockingham County, N.C. Edward Burroughs p 45
Briefs for the Files
Fall 1975 Robert P. Teulings pp 46–51
Back Matter