The Chat Volume 41 Number 1 (Winter 1977)
Front Matter
The Black-capped Petrels flying across the cover were drawn by Renaldo Kuhler, scientific illustrator at the N.C. State Museum of Natural History. A graduate of the University of Colorado, Renaldo worked in the preparation of museum exhibits until he came to North Carolina 8 years ago. Having taught himself the techniques of biological illustration, he is currently working on a book about fish.
Occurrence of the Black-capped Petrel in North Carolina Waters David S. Lee pp 1–2
Breeding Localities of Red-winged Blackbirds Wintering in North and South Carolina Paul A. Stewart pp 3–7
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 8–9
Book Reviews pp 9–10,17
General Field Notes
Three Recent Sight Records of Bachman's Warbler Jay Shuler pp 11–12
A New Look at the Type Locality of the Bachman's Warbler Jay Shuler pp 12–13
Briefs for the Files
Summer 1976 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 14–16
Back Matter