The Chat Volume 22 Number 2 (June 1958)
Front Matter
Turquoise-browed Motmot, exotic tropical species of Yucatan, Mexico. Pen and ink sketch by James B. Shuler, Jr., author of “Birding in the Yucatan”; this issue, page 31.
Birding in the Yucatan — Part I. James B. Shuler, Jr. 31
Using the New “Check-List” for Sight Records in the Carolinas. B. Rhett Chamberlain and Thomas W. Simpson 38
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, Editor 41
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain, Editor 43
Winter Casualties at Mattamuskeet. Dept. Editor 43
Pelican Colony on the North Edisto River. Mrs. Paul L. Atwood 44
Wood Ibises Inland in North Carolina. Joseph R. Norwood 44
Swans: Night Behavior. Thomas W. Simpson 44
White-fronted Goose and Red-necked Grebe at Pea Island. Kenneth C. Parkes 45
Cranes in North Carolina: Old Reports Confirmed. Harry T. Davis 45
A Winter Whip-poor-will. Herman W. Coolidge 46
Winter Hummingbird at Wilmington. Edna Lanier Appleberry 46
First Record of the Western Meadowlark in South Carolina. Robert A. Norris 46
Mass Bathing by Migrating Cowbirds. John B. Funderburg 48
Dickcissel at Charlotte Feeder. B. R. Chamberlain 48
High Return Rate in Greensboro Banding. Larry A. Crawford, Jr 49
The Birds of Rockbridge County, Virginia. Dr. J. J. Murray. Reviewed by the Editor 50
CBC Annual Meeting at Henderson, N. C. Joseph R. Norwood 50
Back Matter