The Chat Volume 22 Number 3 (September 1958)
Front Matter
Purple Martin and nest in traffic light, Charleston, S. C. (June, 1957) Photo by Post-Courier staff photographer. See GFN, page 70.
Evening Grosbeaks Fly South Again. B. R. Chamberlain 51
Birding in the Yucatan—Part II. James B. Shuler, Jr 55
Nominating Committee, 1958–59 60
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, Editor 61
The 1958 Spring Count. B. R. Chamberlain 63
Georgia Birds. Thomas D. Burleigh Reviewed by B. R. Chamberlain 67
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain, Editor
A Brant on the S. C. Coast. James B. Shuler, Jr 68
Cattle Egret Officially on S. C. List. Ernest Cutts 68
A Cattle Egret Inland in N. C. Jeannette Bachman 69
Peregrine Falcons near Highlands, N. C. Roy M. Brown 69
Whimbrels Feeding Behavior. B. R. Chamberlain 69
Wilson's Phalarope at Wilmington. Edna L. Appleberry 69
Odd-Colored Screech Owl. Joseph R. Norwood 70
Nesting Martins Choose Traffic Lights. Ernest Cutts 70
Blue Jays in Migration. James Mattocks 70
Skull Injuries at a TV Tower. Charles H. Blake 71
Migration Data. Random Moonwatch Samples. Joseph R. Norwood 71
Back Matter