The Chat Volume 22 Number 1 (March 1958)
Front Matter
Peregrine Falcon on a New Hampshire Eyrie. By
Charles A. Proctor, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H.
Falcon in the Sky. J. J. Murray 2
The Warblers of America. Edited by Ludlow Griscom and Alexander Sprunt, Jr. Reviewed by Annie Rivers Faver 9
The Bird Watcher's Anthology. Roger Tory Peterson. Reviewed by Robert Overing 10
The Wonder of Water. Soil Conservation of America. Reviewed by Kay Sisson 10
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, Editor 11
Carolinas 1957 Christmas Count. B. R. Chamberlain 13
Midwinter Field Trip at Mattamuskeet. Joseph R. Norwood 24
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain
Brown Pelicans Nesting Again in Pamlico Sound, N. C. Robert L. Wolff 25
Least Bittern Swimming Under Water. Doris C. Hauser 26
Early American Widgeons: Behavior. John Thompson 26
Banding on the Upper N. C. Coast. Harry T. Davis 27
Random Notes from Clemson Area, Pickens Co., S. C. Gaston Gage 27
Barn Swallows Nesting in Central Piedmont Region of N. C. B. R. Chamberlain 28
Gannets on North Carolina Coast in Late Summer. James T. Tanner 29
Yellow-headed Blackbirds at Pea Island Refuge. Paul W. Sykes, Jr 29
Back Matter