The Chat Volume 62 Number 4 (Fall 1998)
Front Matter
Detail of Brown Pelican Robert W. Buchanon, DMD
American Kestrel Use of Pine Regeneration Stands in South Carolina Amanda Allen Beheler and John B. Dunning, Jr. pp 173-179
1997 Report of the North Carolina Bird Records Committee Harry E. LeGrand, Jr., Chairman, Derb S. Carter, Jr., Samuel Cooper, Richard J. Davis, John O. Fussell, III, Simon R. B. Thompson, and Michael H. Tove pp 180-182
General Field Notes
First Record of Lazuli Bunting for North Carolina Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. and Anthony V. Ziccardi, Jr. pp 183-184
First Record of Chestnut-collared Longspur for North Carolina Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 185-186
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1998 Ricky Davis pp 187-199
Back Matter