The Chat Volume 62 Number 3 (Summer 1998)
Front Matter
White Wagtail Phil Turner
Recent Breeding Range Expansion of Cedar Waxwings in North Carolina David S. Lee and Herbert T. Hendrickson pp 141-148
General Field Notes
White Wagtail in South Carolina: First Record for US Eastern Seaboard Kenneth Behrens pp 149-152
Northern Fulmar Collected in South Carolina: Southernmost Verified Occurrence for Atlantic Coast William Post, Katherine Higgins, Lex Glover, and Taylor Piephoff pp 152-154
Red-billed Tropicbird Salvaged in South Carolina: First Specimen for State William Post, Dennis M. Forsythe, Randolph R. Scott, and Peter Worthington pp 155-157
White-winged Crossbill Observed in Richland County, South Carolina: First Record for South Carolina Robin Carter and Caroline M. Eastman pp 157-158
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1997-1998 Ricky Davis pp 159-169
Book Review
Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Tennessee pp 170-171
Back Matter