The Chat Volume 52 Number 2 (Spring 1988)
Front Matter
Joel Arrington of the Wildlife Resources Commission submitted this photo of a stately Great Egret.
First Nesting Record for the Bald Eagle on the Savannah River Plant, S.C. John J. Mayer, Robert A Kennamer, and Frankie A. Brooks pp 29–32
General Field Notes
Oldsquaw in Sumter County, S.C. Lex Glover and Evelyn Dabbs p 33
Double-crested Cormorant Nesting in South Carolina. William Post & Colin A. Post pp 34–35
Ash-throated Flycatcher: A New Species for South Carolina. Samuel P. Rodgers, Jr. p 36
First Nesting Record of Ringed Turtle-Dove in South Carolina. Jere Eggleston p 37
Indian House Crow in Charleston County, S.C.: Second sighting for North America. William Post, Perry Nugent and William W Elliot pp 38–39
Second Nesting of the Sooty Tern in South Carolina. Philip M. Wilkinson p 40
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1987 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 41–51
Book Reviews
Collins Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia p 52
Back Matter