The Chat Volume 52 Number 1 (Winter 1988)
Front Matter
Paul A. Stewart caught this hen Wood Duck at the same nest box as the two ducklings portrayed on our Spring 1987 issue.
Editorial Herb Hendrickson p 1
Notes on Bachman's Sparrow in the Croatan National Forest. Brooke Meanley pp 2–3
Status of the Scarlet Ibis in South Carolina: Historical Records from John Abbot and Alexander Wilson. Marcus B. Simpson Jr pp 4–5
Observations on Avian Morbidity and Mortality at a Winter Feeding Station. Paul A. Stewart pp 6–7
Breeding Status of the Northern Harrier in North Carolina David S. Lee and E. Wayne Irvin pp 7–9
General Field Notes
Eared Grebes in Sumter County, S.C. Lex Glover and Evelyn Dabbs p 10
Atypical Nest-site of the American Oystercatcher in South Carolina. Douglas B. McNair pp 11–12
Massive Roost of Fish Crows at Drum Island, Charleston, South Carolina. Douglas McNair pp 12–13
Second Documentation of Rufous Hummingbird in South Carolina. Greg Cornwell p 14
Fourth Documented Occurrence of the Sprague's Pipit in South Carolina. Lynn and Ray Bieber p 14
First Verified Record for Forster's Tern in South Carolina. Phil Wilkerson and Chris Marsh p 15
First Wilson's Warbler Collected on the Coast of South Carolina. D. Green, P.S. Coleman and W Post p 16
Attempted Nesting of Marsh Wren in Guilford County, N.C. H.T. Hendrickson and Peggy Ferebee pp 16–17
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1986–1987 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 18–26
Book Reviews
National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, 2nd ed. pp 27–28
Back Matter