The Chat Volume 45 Number 1 (Winter 1981)
Front Matter
In January 1980 a Black-tailed Godwit brought birders from all over the country to Bodie Island, N.C., in search of the rare wanderer from Eurasia. Michael Tove prepared the cover drawing of this bird and, along with David Hughes, wrote a field note about the occurrence.
Spring Bird Count—1980 John O. Fussell III pp 1–6
Backyard Birding
...with Gail T. Whitehurst pp 7–10, 17–18
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 11–12, 28
General Field Notes
First Record of Black-tailed Godwit from North Carolina Michael Tove and David Hughes pp 13–14
Effects of Cool Weather on Nestling Behavior and Development in the Yellow-billed Cuckoo Eloise F. Potter pp 15–16
Winter Records of the Grasshopper Sparrow in the North Carolina Sandhills J. H. Carter III and Marion Jones pp 16–17
Briefs for the Files
Summer 1980 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 19–24
Book Reviews
Book Reviews pp 25–28
Back Matter