The Chat Volume 44 Number 4 (Fall 1980)
Front Matter
J. Foster Scott, of the Dare County Tourist Bureau, Manteo, N.C., photographed an immature Bridled Tern in the flooded campground at Buxton on 7 September 1979, following the passage of Hurricane David. The picture first appeared in The Coastland Times.
Bird Sightings Associated with Hurricane David. John O. Fussell III and Alice Allen-Grimes pp 89–100
Backyard Birding
...with Gail T. Whitehurst pp 101–102
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 103,120
General Field Notes
Two Records of the Prairie Falcon for Northwestern South Carolina Harry E. LeGrand Jr. pp 104–105
Probable Sight Record of an Ivory Gull in North Carolina David S. Lee pp 105–106
First North Carolina Record of a Band-tailed Pigeon. Maxilla Evans pp 106–107
Nectar Robbing by Orchard Orioles Joseph M. Wunderle Jr. pp 107–108
Second Winter Record of Indigo Bunting in South Carolina. Paul B. Hamel, Ellen D. Ketterson, and Val Nolan Jr. pp 108–109
Dark-eyed (Carolina) Junco Nest on Sassafras Mountain in South Carolina Paul B. Hamel, Sidney A. Gauthreaux Jr., and Ethel Floyd pp 109–111
Distraction Display of Chipping Sparrow David S. Lee pp 111–112
Red-tailed Hawk Snatches Bird in Flight Gail T. Whitehurst p 112
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1980 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 113–118
Book Reviews pp 118–120
Index to The Chat—Volume 44 pp 121–126
Back Matter