The Chat Volume 43 Number 3 (Summer 1979)
Front Matter
Cover: Frank Furr, chief photographer of the Concord Tribune, captured an adult Bald Eagle on film with his 300 mm Nikon lens. For further details, see page 61 in this issue.
Bird Life of a Farm in Piedmont South Carolina Bill Hilton, Jr. pp 49–51
Spring Bird Count—1978 John O. Fussell III pp 52–58
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 59–61
General Field Notes
Peregrine Falcons and Boats: An Example of Symbiosis? John B. Andre p 62
Killdeer with Young in Charleston, S.C. Edward C. Morrison p 62
Nocturnal Feeding of Gulls at a Lighted Pier Sally Nunnally, Doug Nunnally, Robert Needham, and Randy Lennon p 63
Franklin's Gull in Greenwood County, S.C. Bob Lewis pp 63–64
Diet of a Barn Owl on a South Carolina Barrier Island W. David Chamberlain pp 64–65
May and June Observations of the Whip-poor-will in the South Carolina Coastal Plain Paul B. Hamel, Steve M. Winton, and Brian E. Cassie pp 65–66
Comments on the Call Notes of Alder and Willow Flycatchers Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. p 66
Lawrence's Warbler at Francis Beidler Forest: First Sight Record for South Carolina Paul B. Hamel and Lewis M. Wright pp 66–67
Probable Breeding of the Ovenbird in Lower Coastal Plain of South Carolina John E. Cely pp 67–68
American Redstarts in the Lower Coastal Plain of South Carolina During the Breeding Season John E. Cely pp 68–69
The Golden-winged Warbler in Coastal Carolina: A Recent Record and Comments on its Fall Migration John B. Andre pp 69
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1978–1979 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 70–73
Book Reviews pp 74–76
Back Matter