The Chat Volume 43 Number 2 (Spring 1979)
Front Matter
Jack Dermid photographed the nest and eggs of a Carolina Wren found in the pocket of a hunting coat left hanging in a garage in Nash County, N.C. (Courtesy N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission)
Clutch Size and Onset of Laying in Bachman's Warbler Jay Shuler pp 27–29
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 30–32
General Field Notes
Spring Migrant Shorebirds in Watauga County, N.C. Tom Haggerty p 33
Ruff at Huntington Beach, S.C. Bob Lewis pp 33–35
A Report on an Alder Flycatcher Colony at Roan Mountain with Comments on the Status of the Species in the Southern Appalachians Edmund LeGrand pp 35–36
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Seen in Late July in Franklin County, N.C. Eloise F. Potter p 36
Briefs for the Files
Fall 1978 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 37–43
Suggestions on Reporting Noteworthy Sightings for “Briefs for the Files” Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 43–44
Book reviews pp 45–46
Record review p 46
Back Matter