The Chat Volume 35 Number 3 (September 1971)
Front Matter
Jack Dermid's photograph of a Royal Tern colony shows speckled eggs and downy chicks in the foreground.
High Altitude Records of the American Woodcock in the Great Balsam Mountains and Pisgah Ridge of North Carolina Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 61–63
Recoveries of Royal Terns Banded in the Carolinas Willet T. Van Velzen pp 64–66
1970 Bird Nesting Study at William B. Umstead State Park, Wake County, N.C. Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 67–70
...with Marie Mellinger pp 71–72
Carolina Birds and Birders
...with Willie Morrison pp 73,88–89
Spring Bird Count—1971 Eloise F. Potter pp 73–84
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1971 Robert P. Teulings pp 85–87
Back Matter