The Chat Volume 35 Number 2 (June 1971)
Front Matter
A Mockingbird demonstrates its ability to capture insects in a photo by John Trott.
Caspian Tern Nesting in South Carolina Travis H. McDaniel and Theodore A. Beckett III pp 39–41
The Red-cockaded Woodpecker in Scotland County, N.C. Richard E. Price, Jr. pp 42–44
Status of the Barrow's Goldeneye in North Carolina Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 45–49
...with Marie Mellinger pp 50–51
General Field Notes
Barnacle Goose at Pea Island, N.C. Floy C. Burford p 52
High Altitude Occurrences of the Bobwhite in Western North Carolina Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. p 53
Rejection of Tobacco Hornworm Moths by Laughing Gulls Paul A. Stewart p 53
High Altitude Records of the Whip-poor-will in Western North Carolina Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. p 54
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Nesting in Wake County, N.C. Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. p 54
Traill's Flycatcher Near Franklin, N.C. Mary Enloe p 55
Winter Wren at Low Altitude During Breeding Season Douglas Pratt p 55
Winter Record of American Redstart for Charleston, S.C. Dennis M. Forsythe p 55
Lark Bunting at Pea Island, N.C. Floy C. Burford p 56
White-crowned Sparrow Near Raleigh, N.C., in June Micou M. Browne p 56
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1970–1971 Robert P. Teulings pp 56–59
Back Matter