The Chat Volume 21 Number 3 (September 1957)
Front Matter
Great Horned Owl. By Jack Dermid, N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission.
Flower-visiting Birds Other Than Hummingbirds and the Flowers Visited. A. L. Pickens 52
Safety Factor in a Hanging Nest. B. R. Chamberlain 54
The 1957 Spring Count. B. R. Chamberlain 57
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, Editor 63
John and William Bartram's America. Edited by Helen Cruickshank. Reviewed by Theo P. Hartin 65
The Warblers of North America. Edited by Ludlow Griscom & Alexander Sprunt, Jr. Notice of Publication 65
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain, Editor
Random Occurrences of the Cattle Egret. Rebecca S. Glass, Stanley R. J. Woodell, Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Chamberlain, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman; John A. Gustafson, W. Verde Watson, Royston R. Rudolph and Orville Ballance 66
Extensive Nesting of the Glossy Ibis in South Carolina. John Henry Dick, E. A. Williams, Alexander Sprunt, Jr.; Philip Staats, Francis L. Shackelford 67
A Garganey Teal, a First for the Western Hemisphere, at Hatteras John A. Gustafson, Daniel Z. Gibson, Damiel D. Gibson, W. Verde Watson 68
A Scoter at Rocky Mount, N. C. J. W. E. Joyner 70
White-tailed Kite at Wilmington. Edna L. Appleberry 70
A Carolina Wren Tropism. W. L. McAtee 71
Back Matter