The Chat Volume 21 Number 2 (June 1957)
Front Matter
Chipping Sparrow incubating eggs. Nest in grapevine. Photographed in late May, 1956, Martin Co., N. C., by Jack Dermid. Courtesy of N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission.
Early Notes on Carolina Birds. W. L. McAtee 31
Birds and the Chinese Tallow Tree. Ivan R. Tomkins 38
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, Editor 40
NOTICE: Cattle Egret data wanted. Alexander Sprunt, Jr 41
The Bird Biographies of John James Audubon. Alice Ford. Reviewed by Kay Curtis Sisson 42
The Ornithologists' Guide. Philosophical Library Editor. Reviewed by Harry T. Davis 42
On the Trail of Vanishing Birds. Robert P. Allen. Reviewed by Robert Overing 42
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain, Editor 43
Black-crowned Night Heron in Rowan Co., N. C. Joseph R. Norwood 43
European Widgeon at Greenville, S. C. J. B. Shuler, Jr 44
Golden Eagles Killed in the Carolinas. E. B. Chamberlain 44
Kittiwake Seen at Oregon Inlet, N. C. Frank C. Richardson 44
Great Black-backed Gull at Charleston Again. A. M. Wilcox 45
Gray Kingbird in the Interior of S. C. Eugene P. Odum & Robert A. Norris 45
Another Baltimore Oriole in S. C. in Mid-winter. C. D. Beers 45
Western Tanager and More Mid-winter Chats at Lake Mattamuskeet, N. C. Dept. Editor 46
Spotted Towhee in North Carolina. Mrs. Roscoe Hauser , Jr. 46
Evening Grosbeaks Feeding on a Natural Food in the Wild. T. L. Quay 47
The Lark Sparrow in the Carolinas. E. B. Chamberlain 47
Back Matter