A User's Guide to the Gallery Upload Form—part 2
On the second page of the upload procedure, select the photos that you want to upload. You should see two buttons that are labeled “Browse...” or “Choose File” or some similar phrase, depending on which browser you use. Click the first button to select your first photo. If you have a second photo, click the second button to select that photo. If you have more than two photos, click “One more photo” to get more buttons, one at a time up to six. Keep in mind that the photos that you upload in a group will also be grouped on one page in the photo gallery, so they should all be of the species that you named on the first page of the upload procedure. Please don't start the upload procedure over again for another photo of the same species at the same location. (But do start the form over for a photo of a different species, or from a different location.)
Under each photo is the photo caption, which is pre-filled with the species name. In most cases just the name by itself is suitable, but if you have some information that applies only to one photo and not to the entire page, you can add it here. For example if you have one photo of a male and one photo of a female, you can note “male” and “female” in the photo captions. Very few people have figured this out, congratulate yourself if you are one of them!
Finally, click on “Upload photo(s)” and wait for your photos to upload.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me. Thanks for sharing your photos.
Kent Fiala