Palm Warbler
Species: Palm Warbler
Photographer: Douglas Racine
Date: 15 January 2023
Location: North River Wetlands Preserve, Otway, NC
I have not seen a pair, together just one at at time in the North River Wetlands Preserve for three weeks now that I know of same Locale as last year. once you enter the Preserve take the second left, go past the maintenance building and all the way to the end of the road. STOP Go left and walk 70feet or so feet. Now they like whatever they eat on the roadway, so look for them there, more than in the thick "brush". I just started taking Photos in the NRWP last October and started Mapping where I saw the winter birds, as I call them. I have found the same species in same general locale. Palm Warbler, Blue Headed Vireo (2 pairs in different locales), Ruby Headed Kinglet, Orange Crowned Warbler 2 each