The Chat Volume 88 Number 2 (Spring 2024)
Front Matter
Yellow Warbler, 8 Jun 2023, Valle Crucis Community Park, Watauga County, NC. by John Long
General Field Notes
An Inland Record of Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) in North Carolina Steven Shultz 25 (members only) Access to most sections of The Chat issues from the two most recent calendar years is restricted to CBC members. If you are a member you can login to get access to restricted content.
Briefs for the Files
Winter 2023-2024 Harry LeGrand 27 (members only) Access to most sections of The Chat issues from the two most recent calendar years is restricted to CBC members. If you are a member you can login to get access to restricted content.
Birder's Media Review
Artists and Aves find New Voices in “The Birdsong Project” (And We Should Listen) Jane Bailey 51 (members only) Access to most sections of The Chat issues from the two most recent calendar years is restricted to CBC members. If you are a member you can login to get access to restricted content.
Back Matter