The Chat Volume 67 Number 3 (Summer 2003)
Front Matter
Worm-eating Warbler Dominick D'Ostilio
Fall 2002 North American Migration Count in South Carolina Donna Slyce pp 77-95
General Field Notes
First Record of the Western Flycatcher Complex in North Carolina Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. and Jeffrey S. Pippen pp 96-100
Verification that the Chuck-will's-widow Occurs in Winter in South Carolina William Post, Nathan Dias, and D. Archibald McCallum pp 100-101
Red-breasted Nuthatch and Golden-crowned Kinglet: The First Nests for South Carolina and Other Chattooga Records Frank Renfrow pp 102-106
Male-Female Interactions by Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers on Wintering Grounds Eloise F. Potter pp 107-109
Briefs for the Files
Spring 2003 Ricky Davis pp 110-122
Annotated Checklist of Georgia Birds Robin Carter pp 123-124
Back Matter