The Chat Volume 66 Number 4 (Fall 2002)
Front Matter
Great Horned Owl Rachel E. Wood
2000 - 2001 Report of the South Carolina Bird Records Committee Lex Glover, Chair pp 115-118
South Carolina Bird List [November 2002] Lex Glover, Chair pp 119-124
2001 Spring Bird Count Peggy V. Ferebee and Herbert T. Hendrickson pp 125-144
General Field Notes
First Breeding Records for Tree Swallows in South Carolina Steve Wagner, Scott Stegenga, and Bill Hilton, Jr pp 145-148
Briefs for the Files
Summer 2002 Ricky Davis pp 149-155
In Memoriam
Robert J. Hader Eloise F. Potter pp 156-158
Volume 66 pp 159-166
Back Matter