The Chat Volume 53 Number 2 (Spring 1989)
Front Matter
This pen and ink drawing of a Magnolia Warbler was executed by Sidney Gauthreaux of Clemson University. The article by Lynch & LeGrand in this issue suggests that this species may be nesting in the mountains of North Carolina.
Breeding Season Birds of Long Hope Creek Valley, Watauga and Ashe Counties, N. C. J. Merrill Lynch and Harry E. LeGrand, Jr pp 29–35
General Field Notes
Connecticut Warbler: First Sightings from Wake County, N.C., and a Review of Migration Records Statewide. Eloise F. Potter pp 36–38
Spotted Redshank from North Carolina Samuel Cooper and Michael H. Tove pp 38–41
A Ruffed Grouse Specimen from Seneca, S.C. Stanlee M. Miller and Frederick A. Busch p 41
Attemped Nesting of Marsh Wren in Guilford County, N.C.: A Commentary. Douglas B. McNair p 42
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1988 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 43–50
Corrigendum p 50
Book Reviews
Reviews pp 51–52
Back Matter