The Chat Volume 51 Number 3 (Summer 1987)
Front Matter
See page 72 for details about the Snowy Owl photographed near Columbia, S.C., by Jimmy Wood.
Notes on the Breeding of Northern Finches in North Carolina
Possible Effects of Artificial Feeding on Nest-site Selection. Bill Siebenheller and Norma Siebenheller pp 57–58
Preflight Pine Siskin at Asheville, N.C. Norma K. Williams p 58
Possible Nesting of Pine Siskins at Southern Pines, N.C., in 1982. Libba Watson and John Watson pp 58–59
The Red Crossbill in Western North Carolina: A Review of Records Indicating Breeding. Dan K. Rosenberg pp 59–60
Red Crossbills Nesting at Linville Gorge, Burke County, N.C. Marcus B. Simpson Jr. pp 60–62
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 63–64
Book Reviews
General Field Notes
Red-footed Booby Added to South Carolina State List. William Post and Thomas A. Murphy p 65
Anhinga, a Breeding Confirmation from Cumberland County, N.C. Phillip J. Crutchfield and Morris E. Whitfield pp 65–68
Tricolored Herons and Snowy Egrets Breeding in the Interior of South Carolina. C. G. Belser and W. Post pp 68–71
First Documented Occurrence of the Ruff in South Carolina. Michael F. Cooper p 71
Snowy Owl in Richland County, S.C. Lex Glover and John Emmett Cely p 72
Nest Destruction by the Eastern Wood-Pewee. Paris R. Trail pp 72–73
Massive Flight of Tree Swallows During Fall Migration on the South Carolina Coast. Douglas B. McNair pp 74–75
Second Record of Say's Phoebe for North Carolina. Harry E. LeGrand Jr. pp 75–76
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Added to South Carolina State List. W Post and P.S. Coleman pp 76–77
Vermillion Flycatcher at Pea Island Refuge, N.C. R.J. Hader p 77
Black-throated Gray Warbler at Wilmington, N.C. Kitty Kosh pp 77–78
Briefs for the Files
Summer 1986 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 78–83
Back Matter