The Chat Volume 49 Number 4 (Fall 1985)
Front Matter
W. David Chamberlain photographed an immature male Oldsquaw still in first-winter plumage at Sullivan's Island, S.C., on the late date of 18 May 1984.
Breeding-season Records of Boreal Birds in Western North Carolina with Additional Information on Species Summering on Grandfather Mountain. David S. Lee pp 85–94
Backyard Birding
...with Gail T. Whitehurst pp 95–97
General Field Notes
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Found Dead in Cavity Entrance. John Emmett Cely p 98
Atypical Nest Site for a Prothonotary Warbler. David S. Lee and Mary K. Clark pp 98–99
Spring Record of Clay-colored Sparrow for North Carolina. Harry E. LeGrand Jr. and J. Merrill Lynch pp 99–100
Second Breeding Locality of Dark-eyed Junco in South Carolina. Douglas B. McNair pp 100–101
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1985 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 101–105
Common Bird Songs; Songs of Eastern Birds; Songs of Western Birds p 105
Book Reviews
Bird Behavior p 106
Birds of the Nashville Area p 106
Index to Volume 49 pp 107–112
Back Matter