The Chat Volume 49 Number 1 (Winter 1985)
Front Matter
Hugh Morton photographed a Common Raven in flight above Grandfather Mountain, N.C., where the species occurs regularly.
Summer Bird Fauna of North Carolina's Grandfather Mountain. David S. Lee, Dan Audet and Bryant Tarr pp 1–14 (see correction on page 35)
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 15–16
General Field Notes
Two Records of the Franklin's Gull for North Carolina. Harry E. LeGrand Jr. and William C. Hunter pp 17–18
Horned Larks as Breeding Birds in the Sandhills of North Carolina. Philip J. Crutchfield pp 18–20
A Brown Thrasher with an Aberrant Culmen. William Post pp 20–21
Briefs for the Files
Summer 1984 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr. pp 22–27
Product Review
Presto Galaxy Squirrel Baffle Bird Feeders. p 28
Back Matter