The Chat Volume 42 Number 4 (Fall 1978)
Front Matter
Gilbert S. Grant photographed a Long-eared Owl in California. This species is found in the Carolinas in winter, and its preferred habitat is dense stands of evergreens.
TV Tower Kills in Eastern North Carolina: 1973 Through 1977 Joseph H. Carter III and James F. Parnell pp 67–70
Notes on the Breeding Birds of the Carolinas Eloise F. Potter (compiler) pp 71–76
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 77–79
General Field Notes
Blue Goose Banded on Bermuda, Recovered at Cape Hatteras, N.C. David B. Wingate p 80
White Ibis near Rosman, N.C. Gerald C. McNabb, Jr. p 81
White Ibis in Transylvania County, N.C. Ercel Francis p 81
Harlequin Duck on Bull's Island, S.C. Bob Lewis and Lisa Lewis pp 81–82
A Record of the Hudsonian Godwit in South Carolina and a Comparison with the Black-tailed Godwit Bob Lewis pp 82–83
Bank Swallows Nesting in North Carolina Ramona Snavely and Patricia M. Culbertson pp 83–84
Townsend's Warbler in Western North Carolina William G. Roe p 85
Harris' Sparrow at Huntington Beach State Park, S.C. Frederick M. Probst pp 85–86
Briefs for the Files
Spring 1978 Robert P. Teulings pp 86–88
Staff Changes p 88
Book Review p 89
Index to Volume 42 (1978) pp 90–95
Back Matter