The Chat Volume 38 Number 2 (June 1974)
Front Matter
Fred L. Johns photographed a Burrowing Owl collected on the Outer Banks of North Carolina in February 1967.
Relative Contributions of Male and Female Purple Martins to Feeding of Young Joshua A. Lee pp 31–33
Roosting Behavior of Starlings in North Carolina Paul A. Stewart pp 34–37
CBC Roundtable
...with Louis C. Fink pp 37–38
General Field Notes
Osprey Migration at Wrightsville Beach, N.C. J.H. Carter III p 39
Sandhill Cranes in Onslow County, N.C. Grady L. Barnes p 39
Spring Shorebirds at a Drained Farm Pond Near Chapel Hill, N.C. James O. Pullman pp 39–40
Little Gulls at Cape Hatteras, N.C. J.H. Carter III and James F. Parnell p 40
Discovery of a Burrowing Owl Near Morehead City, N.C. John Fussell and Don McCrimmon p 41
Additional Information on the Red Crossbill Breeding in the Lower Piedmont of North Carolina in 1967 Paul W. Sykes, Jr. pp 42–43
Fledgling Red Crossbills at Newfound Gap Maxie Swindell pp 43–44
Red Crossbill Observations in Western North Carolina Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 44–45
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1973–1974 Robert P. Teulings pp 46–49
Book Reviews pp 49–51
Back Matter