The Chat Volume 37 Number 2 (June 1973)
Front Matter
Joel Arrington photographed a Great Egret (formerly Common Egret) family at Battery Island, N.C. (Photo courtesy of N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission.)
Breeding Behavior of the Summer Tanager Eloise F. Potter pp 35–39
Plumage Variations in the Summer Tanager Elizabeth Teulings pp 40–42
...with Marie Mellinger pp 43–44
CBC Roundtable
Eloise F. Potter pp 45–46
General Field Notes
Second Specimen of Leach's Storm Petrel Collected in North Carolina Donald A. McCrimmon, Jr., Lynn Johnson, and John O. Fussell III p 47
Leach's Storm Petrel and Other Pelagic Birds Seen off North Carolina Coast Donald A. McCrimmon, Jr. pp 47–48
Disorientation of Migrating Shorebirds at Beaufort, N.C. John O. Fussell III pp 48–50
Golden Eagle in the Unicoi Mountains Jon E. DeVore p 50
Thayer's Gull at Kill Devil Hills, N.C. Carl W. Carlson pp 50–51
Recovery of a Banded Eastern Bluebird: Confirmation of an Assumption Eloise F. Potter p 51
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1972–1973 Robert P. Teulings pp 52–54
Book Reviews p 55
Back Matter