The Chat Volume 36 Number 2 (June 1972)
Front Matter
The Saw-whet Owl was photographed by William E. Savell, a bird bander from Linwood, N. J.
The Saw-whet Owl Population of North Carolina's Great Balsam Mountains Marcus B. Simpson, Jr. pp 39–47
The Plight of Wood Ducks in the Carolinas Paul A. Stewart pp 48–55
In Memoriam
Obituary: Doris Callan Hauser Mrs. Neill A. Currie, Jr. p 55
CBC Roundtable
Garvin Hughes pp 56–57
...with Marie Mellinger pp 58–59
General Field Notes
Heronry Found Near Ehrhardt, S. C. Lawrence H. Robinson pp 60
A Second Ross' Goose at Pea Island, N. C.; Verification of Specific Purity of These Birds Edmund K. LeGrand pp 61–62
Inland Record of a Black Skimmer at Roanoke Rapids, N. C. J. Merrill Lynch p 62
Summer Range of the Whip-poor-will in the Savannah River Valley Gerald E. Knighton p 63
Loggerhead Shrike with Unusually Large Egg Clutch Wallace Mark Thompson p 64
Blue Grosbeak and Painted Bunting at Southern Pines, N. C., in Winter J. H. Carter III and Mary K. Wintyen p 64
Briefs for the Files
Winter 1971–1972 Harry E. LeGrand, Jr pp 65–67
Back Matter