The Chat Volume 33 Number 4 (December 1969)
Front Matter
A Herring Gull stands sentinel at Oregon Inlet in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. (Photo by Jack Dermid)
Breeding Birds of Williston Bay William Post 83
The Roseate Tern in the Carolinas Bruce A. Mack 85
Conservation 90
Spring Bird Count—1969 Eloise F. Potter 92
General Field Notes 101
Nesting Status of the Common Tern in Southeastern North Carolina Frances Needham 101
Green Heron Nesting on the Ground Gilbert S. Grant 102
Cattle Egret Off the North Carolina Coast Frank Enders 102
Yellow Rails at Beaufort, N.C. Frank L. Chapman 103
Nesting of the Brown-headed Nuthatch in the Southern Appalachians Marcus B. Simpson Jr 103
American Redstart Nesting in Richland County, S.C. Bruce A. Mack 104
Black-headed Grosbeak at Wilmington, N.C. Mrs. Frank T. Kosh 105
Index to The Chat—Volume 33 108
Back Matter