The Chat Volume 26 Number 3 (September 1962)
Front Matter
Louisiana Herons on Battery Island near Southport, North Carolina. Photographed by Jack Dermid.
The 1961-1962 Flight of Evening Grosbeaks. B. R. Chamberlain 51
W. L. Poteat-Early N. C. Naturalist. Martha Whicker 54
The 1962 Spring Count. David W. Johnston 58
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, dept. Editor 70
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain, dept. Editor 73
Cory's Shearwater off the S. C. coast. Mrs. Ellison D. Smith 73
Cattle Egrets feeding behind a plow. Geraldine Cox 73
Cattle Egret observations. John L. Thompson 74
A Cinnamon Teal on the upper N. C. coast. Paul W. Sykes, Jr 74
Mockingbird nesting in Watauga Co., N. C. Roy M. Brown 75
Prothonotary Warbler at Elkin, N. C. B. R. Chamberlain 75
Swainson's Warbler in the S. C. mountains. James B. Shuler, Jr 75
Painted Buntings in the Carolinas in midwinter. Doris C. Hauser 76
Pine Grosbeaks in N. C. Mrs. Robert P. Holmes, II 77
Additional records of the Lincoln's Sparrow in S. C. David W. Johnston 77
Book Reviews 78
Back Matter