The Chat Volume 20 Number 1 (March 1956)
Front Matter
Male (lower) and female Evening Grosbeaks lured to the Quay's feeding station with sunflower seeds, at Raleigh, N. C. Photographed by Jack Dermid, February, 1955.
Hawk Migrations Along the Middle Eastern Seaboard, Delaware to North Carolina. D. F. Crossan & R. A. Stevenson, Jr. 2
Carolinas 1955 Christmas Count. B. R. Chamberlain. 4
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, Editor 14
Make Your 1956 Spring Count! Editor 15
Book Review 16
The Wren, by Edward A. Armstrong. Reviewed by Laura J. Townes 16
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain, Editor 17
Shearwaters, Terns and Other Hurricane Victims. Editor 17
Addition to the Avifauna of S. C. Alexander Sprunt, Jr. 17
Behavior: Sparrow Hawk. Edward von Siebold Dingle 18
Late Quail Nesting. W. J. Mistrie, Jr. 18
Sora Rail in North Carolina Mountains. Joseph R. Norwood 18
Great Black-backed Gull at Charleston. Editor 18
Some Banding Activities. Harry T. Davis 18
Vermilion Flycatcher in South Carolina. Arthur M. Wilcox 19
More Box-nesting by Brown-headed Nuthatches. Joseph R. Norwood 19
Winter Record of a Black-capped Warbler at Chapel Hill. Oscar H. Paris, Jr. 20
Charlotte Ceilometer Kill. Sarah H. Nooe 20
Back Matter