The Chat Volume 17 Number 3 (September 1953)
Front Matter
Wood Thrush at nest, photographed by Jack Dermid in Wilson Co., N. C., June, 1953.
The Kites Over Santee. E. Durham Chamberlain 54
Upper Currituck Sound, 1910 and Later. W. L. McAtee 57
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, editor 59
The American Woodcock in North Carolina. T. Stuart Critcher and T. L. Quay 62
General Field Notes B. R. Chamberlain, editor 69
Red-necked Grebe near Wilmington. Thomas W. Simpson, M.D. 69
White Pelicans at Lake Junaluska, Haywood Co., N. C. Sarah Lesley 69
Frigate-bird on the North Carolina Coast. David A. Adams 70
The White-tailed Kite near Clemson, South Carolina. Douglas E. Wade 70
Nesting Data on the Killdeer. David Monteith 70
Pectoral Sandpiper at Aiken, S. C. William Post, Jr. 71
Glaucous Gull (?) at Oregon Inlet, N. C. Dept. Ed. 72
Short-eared Owls at the Santee National Wildlife Refuge, Summerton, S. C. Robert J. Lemaire 72
Scissor-tailed Flycatchers in the Carolinas. Dept. Ed. 73
Horned Larks: Range Extension. Dept. Ed. 73
Brewer's Blackbirds in Spartanburg County, S. C. Gabriel Cannon 74
Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Wilmington, N. C. Merrill P. Spencer, M.D. 74
Dickcissel at Morganton, N. C. James C. Taylor 75
Song Sparrow Nesting at Clemson, S. C. Douglas E. Wade 75
The 1953 Spring Census. B. R. Chamberlain 76
New and Re-instated Members. Compiled by Edwin W. Winkler Inside Back Cover
Back Matter