The Chat Volume 16 Number 2 (June 1952)
Front Matter
Clapper Rail at nest, photographed at Beaufort, N. C., by Jack Dermid.
Evening Grosbeaks In The Carolinas. B. R. Chamberlain 30
The Spring Migration of Purple Martins at Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Phillips Russell 34
Bird Banding In The Carolinas, 1948-1951. N. B. McCulloch, Jr., and Harry T. Davis 35
Nesting Sites Of The Slate-colored Junco in the Southern Appalachians. Harvey B. and Ethel W. Lovell 38
Photographing The Clapper Rail. Jack Dermid 40
A Young Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Lucile Gault 42
Backyard Birding. Annie Rivers Faver, editor 43
Among Our Members. Charlotte Hilton Green, editor 45
General Field Notes. B. R. Chamberlain, editor 47
Books Inside Back Cover
Back Matter