About the Club

Mission Statement

The Carolina Bird Club is a non-profit organization that represents and supports the birding community in the Carolinas through its website, publications, meetings, workshops, trips, and partnerships, whose mission is

Join us — Join, Renew, Donate

The Carolina Bird Club, Inc., is a non-profit educational and scientific association open to anyone interested in the study and conservation of wildlife, particularly birds.

The Club meets each winter, spring, and fall at different locations in the Carolinas. Meeting sites are selected to give participants an opportunity to see many different kinds of birds. Guided field trips and informative programs are combined for an exciting weekend of meeting with people who share an enthusiasm and concern for birds.

The Club offers research grants in avian biology for undergraduate and graduate students, and scholarships for young birders.

The Club publishes two print publications (now also available online). The Chat is a quarterly ornithological journal that contains scientific articles, reports of bird records committees and bird counts, and general field notes on bird sightings. CBC Newsletter is published bimonthly and includes birding articles and information about meetings, field trips, and Club news.

The Club provides this website to all for free.

By becoming a member, you support the activities of the Club, receive reduced registration fee for meetings, can participate in bonus field trips, and receive our publications.

Join, Renew, or Donate now!

Other Resources (NOT sponsored by Carolina Bird Club)

Carolinas review lists

Spreadsheet downloads:

The Bird Records Committees request that any observation of a species on the state's review list be reported in detail. If the review status is "Full", an observation anywhere in the state, at any time, should be reported. If the review status is conditional, e.g. "Inland only", observations that match the condition should be reported. It goes without saying that sightings of species that are not on the state list at all should also be reported.

In these lists, if the review status is shown as "!", it means that the species is not recorded in the state and thus is not formally on the review list, but like any unrecorded species is implicitly a full review species. If the review status is blank, the species has been recorded in the state and is not a review species.

Checklist of North Carolina Birds

Checklist of South Carolina Birds

Common nameSC review statusNC review status
Fulvous Whistling-DuckFull
Barnacle GooseFullFull
Cackling GooseFull
Trumpeter SwanFullInland only
Whooper SwanFull!
Egyptian GooseFull!
Cinnamon TealInland onlyInland only
Mottled DuckInland onlyInland only
White-cheeked Pintail!Full
Tufted DuckFullFull
King EiderFullInland only
Common EiderInland onlyInland only
Harlequin DuckFullInland only
Black ScoterInland only
Common MerganserFull
Masked Duck!Full
Ruffed GrouseDownstate only
Ring-necked PheasantFull
American FlamingoFullFull
Chilean FlamingoFull!
Red-necked GrebeFull
Western GrebeFullInland only
Clark's Grebe!Full
White-crowned Pigeon!Full
Band-tailed PigeonFullFull
African Collared-DoveFull!
White-winged DoveMountains only
Smooth-billed AniFullFull
Groove-billed AniFullFull
Lesser NighthawkFullFull
Antillean Nighthawk!Full
Cypseloides Swift sp.!Full
Common Swift!Full
Mexican Violetear!Full
Green-breasted Mango!Full
Blue-throated Mountain-gemFull!
Black-chinned HummingbirdFullMountains only
Anna's HummingbirdFullFull
Calliope HummingbirdFull
Allen's HummingbirdFullFull
Broad-tailed HummingbirdFullFull
Cuban EmeraldFull!
Broad-billed HummingbirdFullFull
Buff-bellied HummingbirdFullFull
Clapper RailMountains only
Purple SwamphenFull!
Yellow RailFull
Black RailInland only
Whooping CraneFullFull
Pacific Golden-Plover!Full
Common Ringed Plover!Full
Northern LapwingFullFull
Wilson's PloverInland onlyInland only
Mountain PloverFullFull
Snowy PloverFullInland only
Whimbrel (European)!Full
Eskimo CurlewFull!
Long-billed CurlewInland only
Bar-tailed GodwitFullFull
Black-tailed GodwitFullFull
Hudsonian GodwitFull
RuffInland only
Sharp-tailed SandpiperFullFull
Curlew SandpiperFullInland only
Red-necked StintFull!
Purple SandpiperInland onlyInland only
Baird's SandpiperFull
Little StintFullFull
Buff-breasted SandpiperSpring only
Spotted RedshankFullFull
Red PhalaropeInland only
Great SkuaFullInland only
South Polar SkuaFullInland only
Pomarine JaegerInland onlyMountains only
Parasitic JaegerInland onlyMountains only
Long-tailed JaegerFullMountains only
DovekieFullInland only
Common MurreFullFull
Thick-billed MurreFullInland only
RazorbillInland onlyInland only
Black GuillemotFullFull
Long-billed MurreletFullFull
Atlantic Puffin!Inland only
Black-legged KittiwakeInland onlyInland only
Sabine's GullFull
Black-headed GullFullMountains only
Little GullFullMountains only
Franklin's GullFull
Black-tailed Gull!Full
Heermann's GullFullFull
Common Gull!Full
Short-billed Gull!Full
California GullFullInland only
Iceland GullFullMountains only
Iceland Gull (Thayer's)FullInland only
Lesser Black-backed GullMountains only
Slaty-backed GullFullFull
Glaucous GullInland onlyMountains only
Great Black-backed GullMountains only
Brown NoddyFullInland only
Sooty TernInland onlyMountains only
Bridled TernInland onlyMountains only
Least TernMountains only
Gull-billed TernInland only
White-winged TernFullFull
Roseate TernFullInland only
Common TernInland only
Arctic TernFullInland only
Royal TernMountains only
Sandwich TernInland onlyMountains only
Elegant Tern!Full
Black SkimmerMountains only
White-tailed TropicbirdFullMountains only
Red-billed TropicbirdFullInland only
Pacific LoonFullInland only
Yellow-nosed Albatross!Full
Black-browed Albatross!Full
Wilson's Storm-PetrelInland onlyInland only
White-faced Storm-Petrel!Inland only
Black-bellied Storm-Petrel!Full
European Storm-Petrel!Inland only
Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel!Full
Leach's Storm-PetrelFullInland only
Band-rumped Storm-PetrelFullInland only
Northern FulmarFullInland only
Trindade PetrelFullInland only
Bermuda Petrel!Inland only
Black-capped PetrelInland onlyInland only
Fea's PetrelFullInland only
Zino's Petrel!Full
Tahiti Petrel!Full
Bulwer's Petrel!Full
Cory's ShearwaterInland onlyInland only
Scopoli's ShearwaterFullFull
Cape Verde Shearwater!Full
Wedge-tailed Shearwater!Full
Sooty ShearwaterFullInland only
Great ShearwaterInland onlyInland only
Manx ShearwaterFullInland only
Sargasso ShearwaterInland onlyInland only
Magnificent FrigatebirdInland onlyInland only
Masked BoobyFullInland only
Brown BoobyFullInland only
Red-footed BoobyFullFull
Northern GannetInland onlyInland only
Great CormorantInland onlyMountains only
Neotropic Cormorant!Full
American White PelicanMountains only
Brown PelicanInland only
Reddish EgretInland onlyInland only
Little Egret!Full
Scarlet IbisFull!
White-faced IbisFullInland only
White-tailed KiteFullFull
American GoshawkFull
Snail KiteFullFull
Short-tailed HawkFull!
Swainson's HawkFullMountains only
Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's)!Full
Rough-legged HawkFull
Snowy OwlFull
Burrowing OwlFullFull
Long-eared OwlFull
Northern Saw-whet OwlFull
Red-cockaded WoodpeckerMountains only
Ivory-billed WoodpeckerFull
Crested CaracaraFullFull
Prairie FalconFull!
Monk ParakeetFullFull
Green ParakeetFull!
Ash-throated FlycatcherInland onlyInland only
Great KiskadeeFull!
Tropical KingbirdFullFull
Cassin's KingbirdFullFull
Gray KingbirdInland onlyMountains only
Fork-tailed FlycatcherFullFull
Alder FlycatcherFull
Hammond's Flycatcher!Full
Gray Flycatcher!Full
Western Flycatcher!Full
Say's PhoebeFullInland only
Vermilion FlycatcherFullFull
Bell's VireoFullInland only
Plumbeous Vireo!Full
Yellow-green VireoFullFull
Black-whiskered VireoFullInland only
Northern Shrike!Full
Black-billed MagpieFull!
House CrowFull!
Common RavenCoastal only
Black-capped ChickadeeFullDownstate only
Violet-green Swallow!Full
Cave SwallowMountains only
Bewick's WrenFullFull
Sage ThrasherFullFull
Mountain Bluebird!Full
Townsend's SolitaireFullFull
Bicknell's ThrushFullInland only
Varied ThrushFullFull
Northern WheatearFullFull
Village WeaverFull!
Scaly-breasted MuniaFull!
Tricolored MuniaFull!
White WagtailFullFull
Sprague's PipitFullFull
Pine GrosbeakFullFull
White-winged CrossbillFull
Lesser Goldfinch!Full
European GoldfinchFull!
Chestnut-collared Longspur!Full
Smith's LongspurFullFull
Thick-billed Longspur!Full
Cassin's Sparrow!Full
Bachman's SparrowMountains only
Lark BuntingFullFull
American Tree SparrowFull
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)!Full
Golden-crowned SparrowFullFull
Harris's SparrowFullFull
Seaside SparrowInland only
Nelson's SparrowInland only
Saltmarsh SparrowInland onlyInland only
Green-tailed TowheeFullFull
Spotted TowheeFullFull
Western MeadowlarkFullFull
Hooded Oriole!Full
Venezuelan TroupialFull!
Bullock's OrioleFullMountains only
Scott's OrioleFullFull
Shiny CowbirdFullInland only
Bronzed CowbirdFullFull
Boat-tailed GrackleInland only
MacGillivray's WarblerFull
Mourning WarblerFull
Kirtland's WarblerFullDownstate only
Black-throated Gray WarblerFullFull
Townsend's WarblerFullFull
Hermit WarblerFull!
Painted Redstart!Full
Black-headed GrosbeakFullMountains only
Lazuli BuntingFullFull
Painted BuntingMountains only
Red-crested CardinalFull!

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