The Chat
The Quarterly Bulletin of the Carolina Bird Club
Current issueTables of Contents
1937–current Cumulative Index
From 1971 Databases
Briefs, Records Page Lookup
Article by page #
To search The Chat, see How to Find Stuff in The Chat.
The Chat is the official publication of the Carolina Bird Club, published quarterly online. Club members may access all issues online; issues more than two years old are accessible to all. Manuscripts published in The Chat must be related to study of the birds of the Carolinas. A typical issue of The Chat contains one or two articles or reports, one or more General Field Notes, Briefs for the Files, and sometimes Reviews.
The Chat is the responsibility of the Editor (Steve Shultz), assisted by a General Field Notes Editor from each of the Carolinas (Christina Harvey for North Carolina and Will Post for South Carolina), the Briefs for the Files editor (Josh Southern), and an Associate Editor. The Executive Committee of the Carolina Bird Club serves as The Chat's editorial review board. The circulation of The Chat is currently around 1000.
30 years of past issues of The Chat are available online (of which the two most recent years are available to CBC members only). They can be accessed via their Tables of Contents; or their Cumulative Index. Also, Briefs for the Files and Bird Records Committee reports can be searched in an online database.
You can email the Editor of The Chat: Steve Shultz.
If you have a manuscript to contribute to The Chat,
please consult Instructions for Authors
and Style Guidelines for The Chat